As far as I can remember, I always liked my side profile, any side profile picture. I thought it looked better from just one side, which may or may not be true but I (okay, I've never admitted this before so no judgment, alright?) thought it made my nose look better. A little more prominent if you will.
Like any other culture, I came from one where they value of certain physical attributes rate higher than others. I came from one where white and fair skin complexion is regarded as 'higher class' than darker, tanned ones and where aquiline noses are deemed much more appealing and superior than flatter, button or stubby ones.
What's aquiline you ask? Well, simply put... it's generally attributed to Caucasian noses or as per Wikipedia:
"An Aquiline nose (also called Roman nose, hook nose or beak nose) is a human nose with a prominent bridge, giving it the appearance of being curved or slightly bent. The word aquiline comes from the Latin word aquilinus ("eagle-like"), a reference to the curved beak of an eagle."
I was teased as a child that I didn't have that desirable, more attractive and superior nose. It didn't make me hate it, it just made me wish it was better, higher, slimmer. My sister can probably tell you the sometimes stupid, at times comical strategies I employed to prove my 'detractors' otherwise. Let's not get into those details right now (they are that embarassing to say the least) because the main thesis today is that - what a silly endeavour that was for me - as I actually do like my nose. If someone was to offer me a superb nose job, for free, I would absolutely say - thanks but no thanks!
Now if somebody offered me a FREE boob job...
I kid.
The point of today is that we all have insecurities and sometimes, the unfortunate fact is that these insecurities are not makings of our own. Culture, media, family, friends... sometimes they are not good for one's self-esteem. That's why we need to take a good look at ourselves, our bodies and all of our physical features and tell ourselves and truly believe - we are beautiful, YOU are Beautiful!
Don't you agree?
I love your side profile, these are usually amazing with bangs i've noticed hehe
I don't understand this fascination by many cultures to regard white as being perfect. It's the same for a lot of Caribbean cultures (like mine). Originally I thought maybe the whole slavery thing had something to do with it, but then I was shocked to lean from Pakistani friends, Cambodian friends, Indian friends, Taiwanese friends that the same applied to their culture.
It's time to break this brainwashed idea and see that beauty is diverse.
You're right we all have things we wish we could change about ourselves but that makes us who we are.
I on the other hand always wanted a nose job because I felt mine was TOO big!
its a wonder how we all see beauty in different things.
Oh my friend I´ve lived a lot through all that...being a plus size is already quite hard over here..people tend to value and think thin people are just gorgeous...and if you are not thin well then you SHOULD be...for a long time I struggled with that but not anymore...I still try to lose wieght but for health not because other people like it or not..I just stop caring about those kind of people xD
The Black Label
your profile looks good and you don't need a boob job.
Ageed. Beauty is diverse.
Instead of focusing on the attributes we dislike, we should embrace the unique beauty we posses. This is of course easier said than done. But with continuous practice and conscious efforts to engage in positive self talk, the negative eventually fades into the shadows.
BTW I think your nose is cute! And I love your posts that encourage self love and appreciating different beauty in eachother.
congratulations on appreciating your own beauty, so many people find that so hard to do! :)
Yup! We are all beautiful. But you happen to be a little more beautiful than the rest of us. :)
AGREE! this is a gorgeous photo :)
You look gorgeous! I've always been bothered by my nose as well. Anytime I talked about *fixing* it my daughters said "but then you wouldn't look like you anymore!". Wise words...
I'll lend you some of my boobs! I'm a 33 E, so please, take some from me, but hey I have 10lbs to lose so, I'm hoping to be back to a comfy d soon. If getting a nose job will give you more confidence I can understand that, but like Daly said, it wouldn't be you anymore, and one of my friends had her done so much, her face now scares me, I've dropped subtle hints to sway her without hurting her, but once she's fixated on something, that's it.
Hi there! Me too I always like my side profile and seriously all of my shots are just one side. I prefer that because I look better in the picture especially that I have a big face! I also look slimmer with that kind of pose.
Your side profile, front profile, any profile is lovely. What a great post for me to stumble upon on a day when I feel less than ... beautiful in that aquiline way ...
Thanks, ML!
A new nose will definitely highlight your assess. Thanks.
Rhinoplasty, you are a douchebag.
Often a nose may appear too large or small for a particular person's face, or a
bust that is too large or too small can blur all an individual's other
features making them seem disproportionate. Plastic surgery can definitely helps you improve your physical appearance.
long island plastic surgery
I completely agree with you. Beauty lies within. But I also respect those who go to Los Angeles plastic surgery clinics to enhance some of their body parts. Everyone has a choice after all.
I love your attitude about loving yourself no matter what your flaws are. Although I have nothing against people who had Long Island plastic surgery, I think we should love every part of our body because that's the real us.
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