Friday, December 24, 2010

When You Wish Upon A Star

Dear Santa (again!),

I know I already sent you a letter last week with my Christmas Wish list and I know you have piles and piles of letters to deal with at your office in the North Pole but I just really want to tell you about this. There could be a way (two ways actually!) that we can reduce your workload by say, 10% this year. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot but if you think about it, that could save you some precious time to take Mrs. Clause out for a nice dinner date.

First, let me tell you about the power of manifesting wishes. Though I do not claim to be an expert in this subject, I have seen such little miracles in my own life so dare I share them with you and others? A lot of people make wish lists and resolutions in the New Year with the all the hopes and enthusiasm that somehow, by putting these desires on paper will automatically make them come true. While that is certainly a first step in the right direction, stopping short of making a real commitment to make these dreams a reality is going to be a real obstacle.

Let’s take for example a wish list that looks like this:

* I wish to be a millionaire. No wait, make that a multi-millionaire.
* I wish to become a celebrity and become famous.
* I wish to meet my Prince Charming/Princess Beauty and live happily ever after.
* I wish to have the perfect job that is both financially rewarding and professionally fulfilling.
* I wish to have a huge mansion with five luxury cars, each house in its own garage.

Let’s take for example your dream of meeting someone. Let’s break down the components of this wish: What type of partner are you looking for? What qualities are important to you, characters that are desirable and flaws that are unforgivable? When do you envision to meet this special someone and most importantly, what are you doing to make this dream a reality? Are you putting yourself ‘out there’, like attending events, meeting new people through friends, searching online and hanging out at coffee shops or bookstores? These are real and essential questions that you have to seriously answer before you can your wish come true.
You see Santa, when you wish upon a star, you have to absolutely follow it up with real work, with a concentrated plan of action and measurable timeline. Look at your environment, what kind of friends do you have around you? If you still haven’t figure this out yet, I’m sorry I have to break this news to you – the world is full of naysayers and dooms day news makers. These are people that will tell you that you cannot make it, that it is impossible to make your dreams come true and can provide you with spontaneous examples of other individuals who have tried yet failed. They will be so convincing that after listening to their arguments for awhile, you may start to believe it. You may start thinking to yourself, yes, I guess I really am stuck in this crappy job forever, I will live my work life within this 2×2 grey cubicle, doing the same mindless routine over and over again.
Don’t. Don’t listen to them.

Unless of course your dream is climbing the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro yet you are afraid of heights, have never trained a minute of your life and have no real desire to get off the comforts of your couch, then that’s a different story. But if you really want that rewarding job that can provide you with financial security, allow your to travel and be creative, then you have to work your plan.
You have to start by surrounding you with more positive and supportive friends, you can read motivational books or passages, you can enlist help and guidance from a mentor or a friend that you truly admire. While yes, there are going to be hits, there are going to be misses along the way as well but know that the world if also full of inspiring people who are success stories, who made it out from rags to riches. Yes, they do exist and they are everywhere. But one thing is absolute, their success is all because of sheer hard work.

We can’t be afraid of working hard, it is the key component to making our wishes come true. There are no insurmountable obstacles, there are only endless possibilities. If plan our work and work our plan, there is no reason we shouldn’t believe we can achieve our dreams.

 So dear Santa, when someone leaves their wish list upon a Christmas Tree, I strongly suggest you tell them to head over to Twenty York Street and read this post!

So, now you understand what I mean with reducing your workload this year Santa? And one more thing, perhaps you would like to wish upon a st too?




Jude said...

Aw, this is a wonderful post, Marilou! So very heartfelt. I've so enjoyed discovering your beautiful blog this year. May your holidays be filled with many peaceful moments and good times & good food with loved ones! And may 2011 be the best year yet - with many wishes fulfilled! :)

Shybiker said...

I agree: a beautiful, smart post. You're an astute, wise woman who gets extra-credit for also being sweet. You're the whole package!

Best wishes to you for the holiday.

Collette Osuna said...

I absolutely LOVE this are a wonderful person Marilou...the merriest of Xmas Eve to you and yours:)

Stop by and say Hello:)
Enter my Forever 21 Holiday Giveaway!!♥

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post lol and your previous one too!!! You are so smart and witty girl!! love it

Rachelle said...

Cute Christmas letter!!!

happy holidays from Runway Rundown---check out

Amy's Fashion Blog said...

Great Post. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

This post tops above the rest! very well said my dear. I love and do believe in everything about this post.
You never ceased to amazed me with your unmeasurable wit
Thank you so much for posting this :)
Happy Christmas to You & E ;)

Rebecca Maureen said...

Gosh i love you, joyeux noel ML!! Did you get a package from me yet?!

Matt said...

I enjoyed this post! And I have made my fair share of wishes on stars. Some of them have happened too, the biggest one is reaching a peace with dressing how I want. I hope you're having a wonderful holiday! :)

vintageglam1234 said...

Great post ML. I think everyone has a choice about what they want to do with their life. My wishes aren't that far-fetched...all i want is oh, another nice dress or two :-)

Anonymous said...

This was just what I needed. I listened to you girl and went through my exams and came right back. Thanks for being there with this wonderful post. :)

Have a wonderful Christmas. :)

Look forward to hearing from you


Tashrin from Toronto, Canada

maria said...

This is real good. Way you go girlfriend

Melissa said...

YOU are adorable, my dear, and so very special. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas weekend!

Venus Loves Virgo said...

Lovely post! I hope you had an amazing holiday XOOX

Toni Tralala said...

Some Christmas lists are way too idealistic. I like your list. Did you ever get to visit the Philippines? I'm hoping to visit in two years.

This is lovely, doll. I totally concur!

LoLo Janes said...

My dear, I LOVED this post. You are so right!!!
Very inspirational!!!

La pépite modeuse said...

I follow you !

STYLE'N said...

Hi there. Just checking in to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hope you are enjoying this time with your friends and family. : )

Kaleido Mind said...

hope you had a merry christmas and have a happy new year:D

Pamela said...

What a lovely reminder of the truly important things in life and the power of self. Happy New Year to you and yours!

Call Me Ishmael

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you for this post! You are so amazing, so strong, and beyond inspirational. I needed this right this very second! I <3 and miss you and hope you are enjoying your holidays!

MsShamz said...

you're so entertaining to read and i love your humor. Very inspirational post, loved it!
Also love finding fellow Canadian bloggers xo

Anonymous said...

Great wishlist :P

X Laila - EnvySplendour

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