Say Hello to: Yolande
Before I introduce Twenty York Street's featured Wonder Woman, I would like to extend my very heartfelt thanks to all of you who left me with such kind and comforting words yesterday. It absolutely helped me get through my darkest hours, it really made me feel loved (I'm still giddy!) and I'm so grateful to belong to this wonderfully loving community, full of brilliant and talented YOUs!
Now on to the excitement of the day, I am so pleased to finally introduce to you the creative genius behind the celebrated haute couture line - Yola Couture. Her designs have walked many prestigious runways and was recently received with a huge round of applause at the Ottawa Fashion Week! On top of creating designs that features unique application of quirky and anything but boring embellishments like hand embroidered appliques, the unexpected touch of lace or the un-traditional take on classic hemlines, this talent is a student, a professional, a designer - all rolled into one Superwoman!

On Style and Fashion...
What and who influences your style?
I think the predominant factor is my body type, I try to be aware of what looks good on me (for example, I have proportionately longer legs than body length so anything high-waisted anything makes me look shorter and “thicker”…eek!)and I tend to prefer fitted to baggy, I may as well embrace the curviness that is me!
After that, colour is super important. Of course, I stock up on black but I must have some colour in my life, even if it’s just an accessory. And the brighter, the better!
As for who, I’d have to say regular people. I mean, on the way to work I might see something and think “I like the way she accessorized that outfit” or something to that effect and I might try something similar that’s suited to my personal style or look.
What's your favourite outfit you've ever worn?
That’s a tough one! Anything that has ever made feel sexy and/or confident! High heels hurt like hell but are very good at achieving that feeling!
Any childhood or early fashion memory?
I once dressed myself in my favourite dress when I was about 4 or 5 years old. It was a pale green and had an open back with a fake lace up style. I went out to play and the neighbourhood got a good laugh at my expense since I had put the dress on backwards….remember, open back…. It was traumatic for me because I was extremely shy and self-conscious! Maybe this episode is partly responsible for me remaining ridiculously shy and self-conscious into my early twenties! …which wasn’t that long ago…
3 Things I can't live without:
1. My beagle
2. My cell phone
3. Books
On Designing…
Why and When did you started designing?
My mother tells me that at three years old I was drawing couture triangle dresses for my stick people. I actually remember as I got older, locking myself in my room to draw dresses. Perhaps not the healthiest childhood….I had an obscene amount of paper dolls and Barbies too. Their only purpose was to model dresses, there was no “playing Barbie” Barbie was too busy trying on outfits. I remember employing my remedial skills to use my mothers’ sewing machine to make tube dresses for my Barbies and using silk scarves to wrap around them as gowns! I guess, whether I was aware of it or not, I’ve been, at least toying with the idea since my Crayon days!
Do you have other designers or celebrities as an inspiration? Can you walk us through your creative process?
Valentino, Dior/ Galliano, De La Renta, Karl Lagerfeld, Marchesa, aaah! There are just too many!
Celebrities off the top of my head: Beyonce and the characters on Gossip Girl (guilty pleasure)…
I'm nosy, do you do this for a living? Would you design full-time?
I have a full-time super unglamorous job as a seamstress. You see those police officers or security guards out there, there’s a good chance I hemmed their pants or sewed the crest to the sleeve of their shirt…. Like I said, unglamorous!
If fashion design were my full-time job I would be the happiest person in the world! I believe it will happen, hard work and patience, I will get there….eventually....
On Lovin' Life…
What 3 things do you wish someone had told you when you were younger?
1. That I don’t have to choose between nerdy and creative, I can have both! I’m a fashion designer who studies History part-time at Carleton University and takes a Russian class on Saturdays for fun!
2. That I have a talent and I should pursue it. I was always envious of the talented people growing up; it frustrated me that I wasn’t one of them!
3. Skinny is not a synonym for pretty.
What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?
Um… I got my nose pierced on a whim; my sister got her tongue pierced at the same time so I guess she beats me there.
This question sheds light on the lack of adventure in my life, I promise I intend to change that as soon as I can! Would you believe me if I said I’m just too busy right now to be adventurous??!!!
Describe your perfect day/perfect vacation?
My perfect vacation would be a vacation…..
There is so much to see in the world and so much to learn. I wish I had time to immerse myself into many different cultures. First places that come to mind: Russia, England, France, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Kenya, Ethiopia, Turkey…. It goes on and on….
Fill in the blanks…
Whenever I'm bored I usually live in my head, I maybe do this too much…
On awkward social situations, I usually giggle and/ talk way too much.
This year, I want Yola Couture to grace the racks of at least one boutique!
If I had superpowers, it would be time travel….does that count?
I wished Twenty York Street asked me about Leggings. Leggings are not pants. I know, I know, this will offend some people but this drives me crazy!! Worn with a short skirt….acceptable, I do it. Worn with a long shirt…acceptable. Worn as pants… unacceptable….no exceptions. I had the misfortune of walking behind a girl down Rideau Street who clearly mistook her leggings for pants… I could see the tag… On her thong! UNACCEPTABLE!! Leggings are leggings, not pants! If you are going to ignore this “friendly advice,” please do us all a favour and buy really, really thick leggings!